On day five of the new moon of the beginning of July of 2016, during the waxing crescent, Jordan began his journey from the Midwest to Manaus. Today, on the seventh day of his trip, the waxing gibbous moon will shine its twelfth day on both of us.
"And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done." Genesis 2:2, New Revised Standard VersionI wonder how he rested today, and I wonder how his church will rest tomorrow, on its holy day. As I, myself, rest today, I give thanks that Jordan is enjoying this opportunity with the Christ Community Church Brazil Go Team! I'm thankful for Hung's attention to frequent invitations to participate in important events in his life. I'm thankful for the news I hear, off and on about the health and union of his immediate family and all of his relationships. I'm thankful for interacting with him and my opportunity, health, and willingness to contribute.
...con todas mis relaciones!
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