Public domain photo by L. A. Huffman, Miles City, Montana, via Wikimedia Commons I talked to a temazcal guide a while back, asking if he was going to start up his temazcal again. "Right now, I do not have a truck, and I need a truck. You can get me one. Why don't you bring one across for me? I need a truck." It did not surprise me that he asked me for a vehicle. That's how he works. Not many people understood this attitude, and some even criticized him for it. Before I did my service for his circle, I did not understand why he frequently asked us, as caminantes, or walkers, in his circle, for so many things. He held his ceremonies in a large lot on the outskirts of town. It belonged, he had told me, to "un hermano" (a brother). He did, at that time, have his own truck. ... or at least I thought it was his. I never asked, really. He lived in a modest, loaned home, with his "dualidad," (literally, "duality," or partner). His b...
Here, now, and temazcal.